osc-parse.sh downloads all the files for a specific OSC track_id.
osc-accel-parse.ipynb parses the OSC sensor readings file aka metadata file and outputs a csv with moth location and bumpiness readings
squid-souq.sh accepts a track-id and integrates the point & sensor data for a single track id to output a simple csv
osc-parse.sh Requirements:
./osc-parse.sh 123456
Platform specific instructions:
This code works on OSX and uses ghead. To run on Linux platforms, simply change ghead to head.
Outputs: 123456.csv: Contains all the point data for that track
- id
- sequence_id
- sequence_index
- lat
- lng
- fileName
- name
- lth_name
- th_name
- path
- date_added
- timestamp
- way_id
- match_lat
- match_lng
- heading
- gps_accuracy
- storage
- shot_date
- projection
123456-m.csv: Contains the metadata for that track (Single row for each track
- date_added
- platform
- user
- user_id
- meta_data_filename
- address
- reviewed
- distance
- changed
- obd_info
- count_active_photos
- recognitions
- client_total
- is_rotating
- owner
- upload_history.id
- upload_history.sequence_id
- upload_history.user_id
- upload_history.user_category
- upload_history.distance
- upload_history.has_obd
squid-souq.sh accepts a track-id and integrates the point & sensor data for a single track id to output a simple csv file:
- The URL of the OSC track
- GeoStreetTalk'd line segment using the geonames service
- Centroid of the line segment.
- SQUID score that represents the underlying accelerometer data.
Limitations: Currently works for only the metadata file with the header format version 1.1.6
./squid-souq.sh 123456
- osc_123456.csv - The parsed file
- osc_123456.json - Raw Output
- osc_123456_sensorData.csv - Raw Output