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Iteration 2

alexandraCrawley edited this page Jul 12, 2018 · 5 revisions

Iteration 2


Iteration Goals

The goal of the second design iteration was to further create and document the creation of a prototype focus group system. This system would compose of both a website for company-side use and an android application for focus group participant use. However, unlike the in the first iteration, less of a focus was placed on initial design and project conception, with the team instead focusing on the development of the system. A summary of the iteration goals is provided below:

  • To document our design process including:
    • (If necessary) to update our initial project requirements, including the scope of the project use cases, user stories and functional and non-functional requirements; and
    • An overview of our design, including system flow charts and paper prototypes.
    • User documentation - including a user manual
  • To create high fidelity prototypes (prototypes with implemented functionality) of the company-side website and the android application for focus group participants

Team Roles

Team roles were allocated according to individuals areas of expertise and interest. Refer to the Team section for further details regarding the allocation of team roles.


View the Soft Design Specifications and the Software Requirements Specification and the Project Inception for full details of our design documentation.

Meeting Summaries

Meeting 9: 09/07/18

Meeting Summary: After the successful team presentation on the previous Friday, our team decided to shift our focus from the completion of documentation to the implementation of our system. During this meeting it was decided that we should development of the company website in REACT, with the remaining team members continuing the development of the focus group system in Android.

Meeting 10: 10/07/18

Meeting Summary: Continuing from the previous meeting, development of the UI of the application progressed, with the design of the focus group selection, initial surveys, waiting pages, final survey and survey completion being accomplished. We also decided to use a Firebase database to store the user focus group data, allowing for chat data to be updated in real-time. Due to our team's inexperience with Firebase, research was conducted to determine how Firebase could be integrated with our application.

Meeting 11: 11/07/18

Meeting Summary: This involved integrating our Firebase database with the Android application and integrating the chat SDK into the application. Whilst there was interruptions to the group's progress as a result of UQ class signons, issues relating to the chat SDK arose and were resolved with the choice of using an alternate SDK. Clien also began work on a user tutorial and fully completed the login functionality.

Meeting 12: 12/07/18

Meeting Summary: To address the upcoming mid-semester assessment our team shifted our focus from development to fulfilling the project requirements. Our documentation was also updated from the previous week to better reflect our team's progress. In terms of the application development, work continued regarding integrating the application with the database. Clien also continued to customise the user tutorial and tasks involving passing login and user information to view user profiles were also completed.


(yet to be conducted)

Process, Methods & Tools

Next Iteration Planning