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ddahlbom committed Oct 19, 2023
1 parent 4c19233 commit c31c611
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Showing 3 changed files with 72 additions and 92 deletions.
114 changes: 35 additions & 79 deletions src/SpinWaveTheory/HamiltonianSUN.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
# Construct portion of Hamiltonian due to onsite terms (single-site anisotropy
# or external field).
function swt_onsite_coupling!(H, swt, op, site)
(; sys) = swt

function swt_onsite_coupling!(H, op, swt, atom)
sys = swt.sys
N = sys.Ns[1]
nflavors = N - 1
L = nflavors * natoms(sys.crystal)
Expand All @@ -11,22 +10,25 @@ function swt_onsite_coupling!(H, swt, op, site)

for m = 2:N
for n = 2:N
ix_m = (site-1)*nflavors+m-1
ix_n = (site-1)*nflavors+n-1
m_idx = (atom-1)*nflavors+m-1
n_idx = (atom-1)*nflavors+n-1
c = 0.5 * (op[m, n] - δ(m, n) * op[1, 1])
H11[ix_m, ix_n] += c
H22[ix_n, ix_m] += c
H11[m_idx, n_idx] += c
H22[n_idx, m_idx] += c

# Construct portion of Hamiltonian due to pair couplings (bilinear interactions
# in spins or quadrupoles)
function swt_pair_coupling!(H, swt, phase, metric, bond, Ti, Tj)
# Get views of Hamiltonian submatrices
N = swt.sys.Ns[1]
# Adds any interaction of the form,
# J_{ij}^{αβ} T_i^α T_j^β
# to the spin wave Hamiltonian H. TODO: Complete description.
function swt_pair_coupling!(H, J, Ti, Tj, swt, phase, bond)
sys = swt.sys
N = sys.Ns[1]
nflavors = N - 1
L = nflavors * natoms(swt.sys.crystal)
L = nflavors * natoms(sys.crystal)
H11 = view(H, 1:L, 1:L)
H12 = view(H, 1:L, L+1:2L)
H22 = view(H, L+1:2L, L+1:2L)
Expand All @@ -41,84 +43,30 @@ function swt_pair_coupling!(H, swt, phase, metric, bond, Ti, Tj)
i_n = sub_i_M1*nflavors+nM1
j_n = sub_j_M1*nflavors+nM1

c = 0.5 * dot_no_conj(Ti[m,n] - δ(m,n)*Ti[1,1], metric, Tj[1,1])
c = 0.5 * dot_no_conj(Ti[m,n] - δ(m,n)*Ti[1,1], J, Tj[1,1])
H11[i_m, i_n] += c
H22[i_n, i_m] += c

c = 0.5 * dot_no_conj(Ti[1,1], metric, Tj[m,n] - δ(m,n)*Tj[1,1])
c = 0.5 * dot_no_conj(Ti[1,1], J, Tj[m,n] - δ(m,n)*Tj[1,1])
H11[j_m, j_n] += c
H22[j_n, j_m] += c

c = 0.5 * dot_no_conj(Ti[m,1], metric, Tj[1,n])
c = 0.5 * dot_no_conj(Ti[m,1], J, Tj[1,n])
H11[i_m, j_n] += c * phase
H22[j_n, i_m] += c * conj(phase)

c = 0.5 * dot_no_conj(Ti[1,m], metric, Tj[n,1])
c = 0.5 * dot_no_conj(Ti[1,m], J, Tj[n,1])
H11[j_n, i_m] += c * conj(phase)
H22[i_m, j_n] += c * phase

c = 0.5 * dot_no_conj(Ti[m,1], metric, Tj[n,1])
c = 0.5 * dot_no_conj(Ti[m,1], J, Tj[n,1])
H12[i_m, j_n] += c * phase
H12[j_n, i_m] += c * conj(phase)

# Add generalized couplings to Hamiltonian.
# DD TODO: Reorganize data for general_pair_operators so can eliminate this
# function.
function swt_general_couplings!(H, swt, q)
(; sys, data) = swt
(; general_pair_operators) = data

# Get views of Hamiltonian submatrices
N = sys.Ns[1]
nflavors = N - 1
L = nflavors * natoms(sys.crystal)
H11 = view(H, 1:L, 1:L)
H12 = view(H, 1:L, L+1:2L)
H22 = view(H, L+1:2L, L+1:2L)

for general_pair in general_pair_operators
((A, B), bond) = general_pair
phase = exp(2π*im * dot(q, bond.n))

sub_i_M1, sub_j_M1 = bond.i - 1, bond.j - 1
for m = 2:N
mM1 = m - 1
i_m = (sub_i_M1 * nflavors) + mM1
j_m = (sub_j_M1 * nflavors) + mM1

for n = 2:N
nM1 = n - 1
i_n = (sub_i_M1 * nflavors) + nM1
j_n = (sub_j_M1 * nflavors) + nM1

c = 0.5 * (A[m,n] - δ(m, n)*A[1,1])*B[1,1]
H11[i_m, i_n] += c
H22[i_n, i_m] += c

c = 0.5 * A[1,1] * (B[m,n] - δ(m, n)*B[1,1])
H11[j_m, j_n] += c
H22[j_n, j_m] += c

c = 0.5 * A[m,1] * B[1,n]
H11[i_m, j_n] += c * phase
H22[j_n, i_m] += c * conj(phase)

c = 0.5 * A[1,m] * B[n,1]
H11[j_n, i_m] += c * conj(phase)
H22[i_m, j_n] += c * phase

c = 0.5 * A[m,1] * B[n,1]
H12[i_m, j_n] += c * phase
H12[j_n, i_m] += c * conj(phase)

# Set the dynamical quadratic Hamiltonian matrix in SU(N) mode.
function swt_hamiltonian_SUN!(H::Matrix{ComplexF64}, swt::SpinWaveTheory, q_reshaped::Vec3)
(; sys, data) = swt
Expand All @@ -135,39 +83,47 @@ function swt_hamiltonian_SUN!(H::Matrix{ComplexF64}, swt::SpinWaveTheory, q_resh
# Add single-site terms (single-site anisotropy and external field)
for atom = 1:natoms(sys.crystal)
site_aniso = view(onsite_operator, :, :, atom)
swt_onsite_coupling!(H, swt, site_aniso, atom)
swt_onsite_coupling!(H, site_aniso, swt, atom)

# Add pair interactions that use explicit bases
for ints in sys.interactions_union
for coupling in ints.pair
# Extract information common to bond
(; isculled, bond, bilin, biquad, general) = coupling
(; isculled, bond, bilin, biquad) = coupling
isculled && break
phase = exp(2π*im * dot(q_reshaped, bond.n)) # Phase associated with periodic wrapping

# Add bilinear interactions
if !all(iszero, bilin)
Si = reinterpret(reshape, Sunny.CVec{3}, view(dipole_operators, :, :, :, bond.i))
Sj = reinterpret(reshape, Sunny.CVec{3}, view(dipole_operators, :, :, :, bond.j))
J = Mat3(bilin*I)
# J = Mat3(bilin*I)

swt_pair_coupling!(H, swt, phase, J, bond, Si, Sj)
swt_pair_coupling!(H, bilin, Si, Sj, swt, phase, bond)

# Add biquadratic interactions
if !all(iszero, biquad)
Qi = reinterpret(reshape, Sunny.CVec{5}, view(quadrupole_operators, :, :, :, bond.i))
Qj = reinterpret(reshape, Sunny.CVec{5}, view(quadrupole_operators, :, :, :, bond.j))
J = isa(biquad, Float64) ? biquad * scalar_biquad_metric_mat : biquad
J = isa(biquad, Float64) ? biquad * scalar_biquad_metric : biquad

swt_pair_coupling!(H, swt, phase, J, bond, Qi, Qj)
swt_pair_coupling!(H, J, Qi, Qj, swt, phase, bond)

# Add generalized pair interactions
swt_general_couplings!(H, swt, q_reshaped)
for (bond, operator_pair) in data.bond_operator_pairs
phase = exp(2π*im * dot(q_reshaped, bond.n))
veclen = size(operator_pair, 1)
A = reinterpret(reshape, CVec{veclen}, view(operator_pair, :, :, :, 1))
B = reinterpret(reshape, CVec{veclen}, view(operator_pair, :, :, :, 2))
J = I(veclen)

swt_pair_coupling!(H, 1.0, A, B, swt, phase, bond)

# Infer H21 by H=H'
Expand Down
28 changes: 16 additions & 12 deletions src/SpinWaveTheory/SpinWaveTheory.jl
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Expand Up @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ struct SWTDataDipole

struct SWTDataSUN
dipole_operators :: Array{ComplexF64, 4}
quadrupole_operators :: Array{ComplexF64, 4}
onsite_operator :: Array{ComplexF64, 3}
general_pair_operators :: Vector{Tuple{Tuple{HermitianC64, HermitianC64}, Bond}}
observable_operators :: Array{ComplexF64, 4}
dipole_operators :: Array{ComplexF64, 4}
quadrupole_operators :: Array{ComplexF64, 4}
onsite_operator :: Array{ComplexF64, 3}
bond_operator_pairs :: Vector{Tuple{Bond, Array{ComplexF64, 4}}}
observable_operators :: Array{ComplexF64, 4}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,25 +143,29 @@ function swt_data_sun(sys::System{N}, obs) where N

# Rotate operators generated by the tensor decomposition of generalized
# interactions.
general_pair_operators_localized = Tuple{Tuple{HermitianC64, HermitianC64}, Bond}[]
bond_operator_pairs_localized = Tuple{Bond, Array{ComplexF64, 4}}[]
for int in sys.interactions_union
for pc in int.pair
(; isculled, bond, general) = pc
isculled && continue
atomi, atomj = bond.i, bond.j
Ui, Uj = local_quantization_bases[atomi], local_quantization_bases[atomj]
for (A, B) in
(isculled || length( == 0) && continue

Ui, Uj = local_quantization_bases[bond.i], local_quantization_bases[bond.j]
nops = length(
bond_operators = zeros(ComplexF64, nops, N, N, 2)
for (n, (A, B)) in enumerate(
A′, B′ = Hermitian.((Ui' * A * Ui, Uj' * B * Uj))
push!(general_pair_operators_localized, ((A′, B′), bond))
bond_operators[n,:,:,1] = A′
bond_operators[n,:,:,2] = B′
push!(bond_operator_pairs_localized, (bond, bond_operators))

return SWTDataSUN(
Expand Down
22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion src/SpinWaveTheory/Util.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ function hermiticity_norm(H)

# Modified from LinearAlgebra.jl to not perform any conjugation
function dot_no_conj(x,A,y)
function dot_no_conj(x, A, y)
(axes(x)..., axes(y)...) == axes(A) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
T = typeof(dot(first(x), first(A), first(y)))
s = zero(T)
Expand All @@ -52,3 +52,23 @@ function dot_no_conj(x,A,y)
return s

# Constant "metric"
function dot_no_conj(x, A::Float64, y)
s = zero(eltype(x))
axes(x) == axes(y) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
for j in eachindex(x)
s += x[j]*y[j]
return A*s

# Diagonal "metric"
function dot_no_conj(x, A::SVector{N, Float64}, y) where N
s = eltype(x)
axes(x) == axes(y) == A || throw(DimensionMismatch())
for j in eachindex(x)
s += A[j]*x[i]*y[j]
return s

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