Repository for planning code
Plug in the power supply for the HSR. Plug the PS2 controller into the USB port. Check the switches on the right. Turn them both on. Press the huge power button for a couple seconds.
From remote: connect to the Alienware via ssh: ssh [email protected] suturo19
Open a byobu session: byobu
You can now start the launchfiles. Here's a cheat sheet for byobu: F2 open a new terminal CTRL-D close current terminal F6 disconnect from byobu without killing the session F3/F4 go to terminal left/right F8 rename the current terminal
Use the command 'fix' to source most of the workspaces. It is currently in the bashrc, so this is done already.
In the terminals to start the nodes. Map and Lokalisation: roslaunch hsr_navigation hsr_map_and_snap_map.launch
Environment with table and shelf: roslaunch iai_hsr_robocup hsr_robocup_with_state_publisher.launch
Perception server: cd ~/suturo/perception_ws source devel/setup.bash rosrun hsr_perception perception_server
Beliefstate: roslaunch object_state object_state.launch
Giskard: roslaunch move giskardpy_hsr.launch
Move server: roslaunch move move_server.launch