A Minecraft recreation of Secret Hitler. This document is heavily WIP.
- Election
- Pass presidency to the next player.
- President selects a Chancellor.
- All players vote on acceptability of the proposed government. Any players who do not vote in time will default to yes.
- Votes are revealed publicly.
- If the vote fails, restart. Otherwise, continue.
- Legislative Session
- President draws 3 policy cards.
- President selects 2 policy cards to hand to the Chancellor.
- Chancellor selects 1 policy card to play.
- Executive Action
- If a Fascist policy is played, check if it triggers a Presidential Power.
- 5-6 players
- Nothing
- Nothing
- President examines top 3 policies
- President MUST kill a player
- President MUST kill a player + unlocks veto power
- Fascists win
- 7-8 players
- Nothing
- Investigate Loyalty
- President picks the next presidential candidate
- President MUST kill a player
- President MUST kill a player + unlocks veto power
- Fascists win
- 9-10 players
- Investigate Loyalty
- Investigate Loyalty
- President picks the next presidential candidate
- President MUST kill a player
- President MUST kill a player + unlocks veto power
- Fascists win