The .jar file could could ber an through command prompt with the command 'java -jar \CalendarApp.Jar'
After the command is ran in terminal, the homescreen should prompt and show this:
Here are proper steps to use the program efficiently otherwise errors will prompt, and you will need to follow them instead of these steps.
1) Add a Calendar( or multiple calendars) Type 'a' into the terminal and you should be granted access to create your own calendar. You could also set each individual calendar to either private or public. Private will not allow you to share the calendar unless you switch back to public.
2) Add event(or multiple events). Type 'e' into the terminal to add event, or multiple events. This will allow you set the start date, end date, start time, and end time for a SPECIFIC Calendar you choose that you created before.
3) Monthly View Type 'm' for monthly view of a Calendar of your choice. Enter a valid year and date -- which will then prompt you to a calendar like below. (Through command prompt the format may be a little messed up. This will be fixed when I create a GUI in the future).
4) Change Timezones Type 't' to change timezones. This will prompt you to put in a VALID timezone. For example, 'GMT'. This will switch all the dates/times of each event accordingly. Also will switch the calendar's timezone as well.
For example, Calendar1's event up there has been changed to GMT time.
5) Update and View Calendar List Type 'v' to update and view your active calendars. This allows you to see your up to date calendars that are active.
6) Update and View Events Type 'u' to update and view your active events. This will allow you to view all events in individual calendars you have created.
7) Remove Event(s) Type 'r' to remove events. Then select the calendar > event to remove event.
8) Remove Calendar(s) Type 'd' to remove a calendar, or multiple calendars.