Grails project at ISIMA by Benoît Garçon
This repository simulate a configuration server. If you want to test different configurations, you just need to switch between ok/ko in the different files in data/ folder.
By default the server will be reachable on http://localhost:666.
grails war
java "-Dgrails.env=dev" -jar .\build\libs\conf-0.1.war
Health check is available at http://localhost:666/health.
This application is totally stateless.
This application is secured through spring-security-rest.
The Feature Flipping is implemented: it use the configuration server of this project. To test the feature flipping on a feature, you just need to switch between 'ok' and 'ko' in the corresponding file in conf/data/. Warning: it is important to run the configuration server from root (like it is said in the corresponding README). Every five seconds the client ping each features to know if the feature is activated.
The complete Health Check is available at http://localhost:8080/health. Some simplified Health Check are available for each features (user, badge, tag, question) at http://localhost:8080/featureName/healthcheck, it is used in Circuit Breaker feature.
The Circuit Breaker is implemented with the help of previously described feature healthcheck. Every five seconds the client ping each features to know if they respond 200 or an error. In the opened mode the circuit waits 20 seconds. If you want to play with the circuit breaker, you have to launch the server with grails run-app
and modify the code returned by healthcheck() action of the desired controller. Or you can just break the server.
If there is a problem, some features are simply deleted from the UI (badge, tag), other features are replaced by new third party service : when user feature is down a list of random people is displayed, when question feature is down random gif of cats are displayed instead.