The Disciple - 0.9.8 Public Beta
Feature: Analog now has an icon preview to show the effect of using the card on mouseover.
Feature: Card Tags converted to the new week 44 vanilla system, including healing cards
Balance: Misterioso now only plays unique cards.
Balance: Echonomics plus now makes a single copy that is free all combat, instead of two copies free for the turn.
Balance: Echonomics now only works on cards with discounted costs.
Balance: Sospirando is now "Apply Stun (all enemies). Gain Stun.".
Balance: Stacking Orcale Form now gives 2(3) card draw increase.
Balance: Wards now safely duplicate when doubled in hand via something like Burst.
Balance: Recurrance now decrements the turn counter for Bite and Rage Command.
Text: Escort Command now correctly shows in green when next turn's block is modified.
Text: Fibonacci damage was capitalized.
Text: Short Sighted's Delayed Attack Power now specifies that you lose health instead of dealing damage to you.
Text: Echonomics text was cleaned up.
Bug: Equilibrium now discounts retained cards.
Bug: Echonomics no longer copies other Echonomics.
Bug: Switch cards no longer cost 0 on draft.
Bug: Analog now stacks its retain with other sources of retain.
Bug: Ice Cream Replica now correctly removes conserve on shattering.
Bug: Prime Time now doubles damage once again after being retained.
Bug: Whetstone and War Paint replicas now work with Diverse and Prismatic Shard.
Bug: Whetstone and War Paint replicas no longer reset the discounted cost of retained cards when upgraded.
Bug: Runic Pyramid no longer keeps card cost discounts from non-retain sources after discarding.
Bug: Flame, Lightning, and Tornado replicas no longer occasionally shatter from Fast Forward.
Bug: Descriptions on all multi-target cards now correctly update with vuln/slow if there is a single target remaining.
Bug: Fast Forward no longer mistakenly self-retains.
Bug: Escort Command's next turn now correctly accounts for powers.
Bug: Presto should now give the correct amount of gold following the week 43 Greed card vanilla fix.
Bug: Cards retained over multiple turns decrease their cost once again.
Bug: Self-retaining cards now retain the first turn when spawned mid-turn, such as via Nilry's Codex.
Bug: Removed conflicts with the Mad Scientist mod.
Bug: Removed path conflicts with the Witch Mod.
Bug: Pattern Shift preview will no longer scale the Maw's damage continuously.
Bug: Maw, Giant Head, and Book of Stabbing no long continue to scale damage while sleeping.
Bug: Gremlin Wizard now functions correctly for Pattern Shift on all ascensions.
Bug: Fixed Hexaghost on Pattern Shift, once again.
Bug: Time Dilate no longer takes away Bite and Rage Command.
Bug: Oracle Form no longer allows you to draw past 10 cards, sending extra cards to the discard.