- ai_debug_1161: A aiscript debug plugin for BW 1.16.1 via C++ (and a bit of python/shell).
- aise: A BW aiscript extension plugin written in Rust.
- sc-docker: StarCraft 1.16.1 docker image set up for AI vs AI fights.
- StarCraft AI Wiki: A Wiki for all things StarCraft AI.
- BWAPI: The BroodWar API, used to create AI that can play Brood War through C++.
- BWMirror: A Java wrapper for BWAPI.
- BW Web API A Typescript wrapper of Brood War Remastered API.
- JBWAPI: A more up-to-date Java wrapper for BWAPI.
- TorchCraft: A bridge between Torch and StarCraft.
- TorchCraftAI: An AI platform for Torchcraft.
- Ladislav Zezula's Website: Home of MPQ and CASC archive editors which are formats used by Blizzard.
- AIUR: Artificial Intelligence Using Randomness. An older C++ bot that plays Protoss.
- Arrakhammer: Zerg bot forked from Steamhammer.
- Ecgberht: A Terran bot written in Java using BWAPI4J.
- Iron: A relatively strong Terran bot.
- LetaBot: A Terran bot forked from UAlbertaBot that uses build orders found on TeamLiquid.
- Locutus: A C++ Protoss bot forked from Steamhammer.
- McRave: A general C++ bot.
- Overkill: A C++ Zerg bot.
- PurpleWave: A Zerg bot written in Scala.
- Stardust: A relatively strong and recent C++ Protoss bot.
- Steamhammer: Primarily a C++ Zerg bot forked from UAlbertaBot.
- Stone: A SCV rushing bot that depends on BWEM.
- UAlbertaBot: A decent bot developed by Dave Churchill out of the University of Alberta, written in C++.
- ZZZKBot: C++ Zerg bot.
- AIIDE: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment.
- AIST A human style structure (double elimination BO3 / BO5) annual AI tournament.
- IEEE CoG: The IEEE Conference on Games.
- ShieldBattery: ShieldBattery is a community-run platform for competitive StarCraft: Remastered, featuring ranked matchmaking, full-featured chat, centralized map hosting, and more!
- SSCAIT: Student StarCraft AI Tournament, AI community open to more than just students.
- ShadowFlare's Realm: Various modding tools and libraries, including MPQ, GRP, and more. Some include source code.
- SirStanels Build order builder A utility utilizing freya spirits json build order builder to create custom map files for build order practice.
- Staredit.net: Mapping and modding community forum and map/mod/tool hosting.
- UEDAIP: Major overhaul of the original Starcraft campaigns with gameplay improvements and new story elements.
- Chkdraft: A C++ map editor based on ScmDraft 2 which contains distinct modules for map and chk manipulation that can be utilized by other projects.
- ChkForge: A C++ map editor primarily backed by Chkdraft, OpenBW, and Qt.
- ScmDraft 2 - Stormcoast Fortress: ScmDraft 2 homepage with some modding tools and resources.
- EUD Editor: A GUI for doing complex actions in triggers that would require the use of EUD (Extended Unit Deaths). Written in VB.
- EUD Editor 3: The successor to EUD Editor which also works for StarCraft: Remastered. Written in VB.NET.
- euddraft: Tool/frontend for eudplib used to compile the language into a map.
- eudplib: A programming language library based on EUD (Extended Unit Death) triggers, similar to Python syntax.
- LangUMS: Programming language and compiler for StarCraft: Brood War triggers, similar to C syntax.
- LIT: Lua Interpreted Triggers - Another triggering language based on Lua.
- Oreo Triggers: Oreo is another triggering language that compiles to map triggers, based on PHP.
- SC-REPL: SC-REPL provides command line interface and text UI based application framework on StarCraft I UMS maps, built on euddraft.
- TrigEditPlus: A triggering plugin for ScmDraft 2.
- YATAPI: Yet Another Triggering API - as the name states, based on Python.
- BWChart: A StarCraft Brood War replay analyzer.
- BW-Replay-Utility: A project from Y2Kid/janev94 to both extract replay stats and describe the raw replay file format.
- OpenBW Online Replay Viewer: An online replay viewer backed by OpenBW compiled to Javascript.
- RepMastered: A game, event, player and map database, replay sharing and analyzer site. It handles both "modern" (starting from 1.18) and "legacy" (pre 1.18) replays.
- SCRChart: A spiritual successor to BWChart. Only analyzes and organizes replays.
- StarData: A 365GB replay dataset for AI training (65646 games).
- BWEM: BroodWar Easy Map - A much faster terrain analyzer than BWTA.
- BWTA: BroodWar Terrain Analyzer written in C++, depends on BWAPI and some geometry libraries. (obsolete)
- BWTA2: The successor to BWTA.
- StarDraft: A C++ StarCraft map visualizer.
- Animosity: An SCR graphics converter writen in Rust.
- ASS: Agent StarCraft Simulator - A Java based combat simulation library.
- BWEB: BroodWar Easy Builder is a building placement manager written in C++ that depends on BWEM.
- FAP: An AI combat simulation library.
- PyMS: A Brood War Modding Suite written in Python.