HavocMAB is an extension of AFL-2.57b by Michal Zalewski <[email protected]>. The goal of HavocMAB is to facilitate the edge exploration of AFL default Havoc mutation strategy with two-layer Multi-Armed Bandits and UCB1-Tuned algorithm.
One Fuzzing Strategy to Rule Them All, ICSE 2022.
title={One Fuzzing Strategy to Rule Them All},
author={Wu, Mingyuan and Jiang, Ling and Xiang, Jiahong and Huang, Yanwei and Cui, Heming and Zhang, Lingming and Zhang, Yuqun},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering},
Tested on ESC servers with 128-core 2.6GHz AMD EPYC™ROME 7H12 CPUs and 256 GiB RAM. The machine runs on Linux 4.15.0-147-generic Ubuntu 18.04 with RTX 2080ti.
# build
$ make -j$(nproc) -C fuzzer
# start fuzzing (-d to enbale havoc mutation)
$ fuzzer/afl-fuzz -d -i $FUZZ_IN -o $FUZZ_OUT -- /path/to/program [params] @@
For running a demo program readelf
, please turn to the document.
Feel free to send an email at [email protected].