This Streamlit application implements a multimodal Question Answering (QA) system using the LangChain library.
- Interactive Streamlit UI for file uploads, DB build, and QA
- Accepts input files in PDF, audio (WAV, MP3, opus), and text formats
- Transcribes audio to text using HuggingFace DistilWhisper models
- Audio transcription runs in close to real-time on CPU
- Background loading of models takes time, notice top-right running indicator
- Requires HuggingFace API key
- Docker container exposes port 8001, access UI with browser
Sentence Embeddings: huggingface/sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2)
Note: input text longer than 384 word pieces is truncated.
docker build -t streamlit-app .
docker run -p 8001:8001 --rm streamlit-app
GUI access localhost:8001
Please be aware that this is only a Proof of Concept system and may contain bugs or unfinished features.