connect drone to QGroundControl via satellite communication
pip3 install dronekit
pip3 install pymavlink
pip3 install requests
sudo -H pip3 install dronekit-sitl
Besides, install qgroundcontrol
Add a connection with these specifications:
-UDP type
-port : 11000
-target host :
select connection after saving, and hit connect.
1- first open a terminal and run
dronekit-sitl copter
this will initiate simulated vehicle, that can be connected to on tcp:
Then run tests/ code
python3 tests/
If everything works fine, you'll see that there is a vehicle on QGC ready to fly, you can even simulate flying it.
run tests/
python3 tests/
Check rock7 messages for the message.
python3 tests/
you should see some data. Change parameters to your channel if you use a one that is different:
Thingspeak_Channel = ''
PS: XYZ is your secret api key.