I've not found any MediaPicker component suitable for my needs for Android so I made this one. It's a Media picker component that aims to replicate the experience provided by Instagram. The features I plan to add are : Photo taking functionality Video taking functionality. Hope this helps! Some help is much appreciated, there is much work that could be done. :)
- Gallery picker
- Capture photo
- Capture video
- Editor photo
|- fonts/
|- com/
| |- octopepper/
| | |- mediapickerinstagram/
| | | |- commons/
| | | |- components/
| | | | |- editor/
| | | | |- gallery/
| | | | |- photo/
| | | | |- video/
| | | |- MainActivity.java
| | | |- MainApplication.java
|- anim/
|- color/
|- drawable/
|- layout/
|- layout-v14/
|- mipmap-hdpi/
|- mipmap-mdpi/
|- mipmap-xhdpi/
|- mipmap-xxhdpi/
|- mipmap-xxxhdpi/
|- values/
|- values-v21/
|- values-w820dp/
--> PRODUCTIONdevelopment
For any news features create a new branch from development
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Prefixe all your commit messages by one of this type:
A new featurefix:
A bug fixdocs:
Documentation only changesstyle:
Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, etc)refactor:
A code change that neither fixes a bug or adds a featureperf:
A code changes that improves performancetest:
Adding missing testschore:
Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries
public class MyClass {
public static final int SOME_CONSTANT = 42;
public int publicField;
private static MyClass sSingleton;
int mPackagePrivate;
private int mPrivate;
protected int mProtected;
boolean isBoolean;
boolean hasBoolean;
View mMyView;
String _myString;
int _myColor;
Code style for Android --> link
Android fragmentation analytics --> Platform Versions
- Min API 16 --> Jelly Bean : 4.1.x
- Max API 25 --> Nougat : 7.x.x