EDMC plugin to automatically collect accurate science data from the galaxy and coordinate missions
Features will be added in the Project Board
The USS Survey and EDMC-Canonn are no longer compatible. However EDMC-Canonn now writes to the same google sheets as the USS-Survey so if you are using this plugin, then please disable the USS-Survey
The Patrol system will eventualy be used for directing people to places of interest to Canonn. This will be based on the legacy patrol system for now. In addition we now have two extra patrol types.
- Canonn Influence Patrol: This tells you where systems have a Canonn Presence and gives some informatio about the current state
- Ship Locations: This tells you where your ships are located
ToDo: Controls to cycle through patrols.
See the top stories on rotation
Hyperdiction reporting is logged from the Thargoid Encounter Stats screen. There is also a button in the settings which will allow you to upload all hyperdictions from your journal.
This captures NHSS information from the FSS scanner and USS Drops. Only logs one instance of each threat level per system
This records the codex entries and a bit of extra info about body and lat lon. The codex entries are routed to the appropriate CAPI report. eg fgreports btreports etc.
This records Thargoids kills. What else did you expect herds of wilderbeast running through the serengeti?
This records all journal entries that haven't specifically been excluded. NB the exclusion list needs to be bigger.
This records FSSSignalDicovered Messages that havent beenexcluded. Also records AX Conflict Zones in their own model
In the interests of launching the new plugin quicker I have integrated the legacy code that is used to opulate the spreadheets this will allow us to run reports in parallel.