- create .env file and define the following variables:
- CLUSTER (MongoDB cluster)
- DATABASE (MongoDB database)
- JWT_SECRET_KEY (JWT secret key)
- CLOUDINARY_API_KEY (Cloudinary API key)
- CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET (Cloudinary API secret)
- CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME (Cloudinary cloud name)
- Open command prompt:
- create virtual environment using the command:
python -m venv [environment_name]
- active virtual environment using the command:
- install all libraries using the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- set flask app using command:
set FLASK_APP=app.py
- if on development server, set flask app using command:
set FLASK_ENV=development
- run the application using command
flask run
Please note: This is a Windows 10 set up