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The basics: Hook into PocketVault

Andre | xZeroMCPE edited this page Sep 28, 2020 · 1 revision

Let's first retrieve an instance of PocketVault

$vault = PocketVault::getInstance();

We can make that better by instead doing something like this:

public function getPocketVault() : PocketVault {
   return PocketVault::getInstance()

You can place the above method anywhere you'd like, I recommend you place it on your plugin main class.

Checking if an Economy provider exists:

if($this->getPocketVault()->getProviderManager()->hasProvider(ProviderName::ECONOMY)) {
   $this->getLogger()->info("Yay! there's an economy provider!"):

// You can now access methods available in the EconomyProvider class
// For example, getting a player balance?

$money = $vault->getProviderManager()->getProvider(ProviderName::ECONOMY)->getBalance($player);
$player->sendMessage("Your available balance is $money");
} else {
   $this->getLogger()->error("Ouch man! Does not have an economy provider");

The ProviderName is included in the PocketVault namespace, it's best to import the PocketVault.phar so you can get hints in your IDE. i.e; PHPStorm For a full list of methods available, lurk around the provider's source code :) Now head over to the next page to see how you can get started creating your own custom Economy provider!

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