🆕 feat
- @visactor/vtable: headerSelectMode option add body setting #2491
- @visactor/vtable: add freeze_click event #2641
- @visactor/vtable: add columnWidthConfig to set width by dimensions #2696
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vtable: isColumnHeader api judement logic #2491
- @visactor/vtable: when collapse last group occor error #2600
- @visactor/vtable: when collapse tree node occor error #2600
- @visactor/vtable: min aggregator type handle with NaN value #2627
- @visactor/vtable: when drag row series number cells not scroll #2647
- @visactor/vtable: rowSeriesNumber when be frozen can render customlayout #2653
- @visactor/vtable: when has empty tip scrollbar can not be clicked #2690
- @visactor/vtable: when field set array,record no corresponding field,occur error #2702
- @visactor/vtable: when has gantt and table same time internal theme should not be changed #2708
- @visactor/vtable: fix check state update #2667
- @visactor/vtable: fix list-editor space problem
- @visactor/vtable: change pointerupoutside event callback #2674 #2659
- @visactor/vtable: add event in react-vtable
- @visactor/vtable: add selected_cell event in select-all #2664
- @visactor/vtable: fix disableRowSeriesNumberSelect in select-all #2665
- @visactor/vtable: fix title resize in adaptive mode #2704
🔨 refactor
- @visactor/vtable: custom merge cell ignore check state jude #2683
- @visactor/vtable: paste cell value should use editor validateValidate api #2691
What's Changed
- Main by @fangsmile in #2657
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v1.10.1 by @github-actions in #2658
- feat: contextMenuItems add table params by @Wangjing991 in #2698
- fix: fix check state update #2667 by @Rui-Sun in #2678
- fix: add selected_cell event in select-all #2664 by @Rui-Sun in #2679
- fix: fix list-editor space problem by @Rui-Sun in #2684
- fix: add event in react-vtable by @Rui-Sun in #2686
- fix: fix disableRowSeriesNumberSelect in select-all #2665 by @Rui-Sun in #2687
- fix: change pointerupoutside event callback #2674 #2659 by @Rui-Sun in #2688
- 2600 bug group row series number by @fangsmile in #2640
- 2641 bug freeze click event by @fangsmile in #2644
- 2647 bug drag select row number by @fangsmile in #2649
- 2627 bug min aggregator nan value by @fangsmile in #2650
- fix: fix title resize in adaptive mode #2704 by @Rui-Sun in #2706
- fix: fix animation config in TableAnimatinManager by @Rui-Sun in #2712
- 2491 feature just select body by @fangsmile in #2654
- 2653 bug frozencolcount rowseriesnumber by @fangsmile in #2661
- 2691 paste cell value validate by @fangsmile in #2695
- 2690 bug empty tip scroll bartoside by @fangsmile in #2699
- 2702 bug field set array error by @fangsmile in #2703
- 2708 refactor gantt change vtable theme by @fangsmile in #2711
- 2696 feature pivot table column wdith by @fangsmile in #2710
- docs: update faq file name delete colons #2713 by @fangsmile in #2714
- 2683 refactor custom merge check state by @fangsmile in #2685
- fix: fix large number rows in updateRow() by @Rui-Sun in #2722
- [Auto release] release 1.10.2 by @github-actions in #2723
Full Changelog: v1.10.1...v1.10.2