Three images are available:
- The Docker image - for free
- The .ova virtual machine image with Ubuntu - for free
- and Raspberry Pi bootable image with Raspbian - for payment.
All of them includes ready to use
- GaladrielMap v.2.9.8 witn gpsdPROXY v.0.6.14
- GaladrielCache v.2.7.5
- netAIS v.1.5.10
and simulation tools:
- naiveNMEAdaemon
- inetAIS v.0.2.5
Docker image
Virtual machine image
Load image to your Docker:
gunzip -c galadrielmapimage.tar.gz | docker load
Run container:
docker run -p 80:80 -p 3838:3838 -d --name galadrielmap galadrielmap
Add -p 9050:9050
option to command above if you plan to use the netAIS server.
Open 'http://YourDocker/map' in browser.
The Docker image already contains running NMEA flow simulation, so you will see a cursor displaying the position on the moving map. The netAIS is also running.
- Import GaladrielMap Demo image to any virtualization player (Image created in VirtualBox).
- Run machine (it's called a guest machine).
- After starting, login:
username: gm
password: gm - Determine ip_address_of_the_machine:
- Open ip_address/map in browser
Or jast open http://galadrielmap.local/map in browser
Another way is to connect by ssh: $ ssh [email protected]
You must set at least unique shipname in \GaladrielMap\netAIS\boatinfo.ini
No simulation is running in this image. Run it yourself by run \GaladrielMap\map\samples\startSimulation
- Flash the image to SD card as described on Raspberry Pi documentation. The Image assumed a 32G SD card: 16G to OS and 16G to tile cache.
Connect Raspberry Pi to LAN by cable. - Boot machine
- After starting, find ip_address_of_the_machine as described in this document.
Or connect to Raspberry Pi by ssh:$ ssh [email protected]
password: gm
Open http://ip_address_of_the_machine/map/ on you browser.
Except Docker image:
- Connect external GNSS receiver to USB port.
- For .ova: Allow guest machine access to this USB port.
Open http://ip_address_of_the_machine/map/dashboard.php on you browser.
Dashboard optimized to eInk devices.
Except Docker image:
To enable your own netAIS server, edit /GaladrielMap/netAIS/params.php to place to $onion variable address of your TOR hidden service. This address located in /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_netAIS/hostname file, and will be created at first start virtual machine.
To get address run
# cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_netAIS/hostname
Fit vehicle info in boatInfo.ini file.
Open http://ip_address_of_the_machine/netAIS/ on you browser.
In /GaladrielMap/map/samples contains naiveNMEAdaemon.php -- a tool to simulate NMEA streams from instruments to use with gpsd. Three logs include: sample1.log -- the record of AIS situation on port; Suomi_2018.nmea and Suomi_2019.nmea -- records of two tracks on Saimaa lake, Finland.
To play this logs:
- Stop gpsd daemon:
sudo systemctl stop gpsd.socket gpsd.service
- Create two screen sessions:
, CtrlA-D to quit session
, CtrlA-D to quit session
screen -ls
to list session numbers - Run simulate NMEA stream
screen -r FirstSessionNumber
attach session
In session:
cd /GaladrielMap/map/gpsdAISd/' 'php naiveNMEAdaemon.php -iSuomi_2018.nmea -btcp://localhost:2222
to play Suomi_2018.nmea log.
CtrlA-D to quit session - Run gpsd daemon
screen -r SecondSessionNumber
attach session
In session:
gpsd -N -n tcp://localhost:2222
CtrlA-D to quit session - See as simulation running
screen -r FirstSessionNumber
attach session
or just run \GaladrielMap\map\samples\startSimulation
Open http://ip_address_of_the_machine/map/ on you browser.
Open http://ip_address_of_the_virtual_machine:10000/ on you browser.
You may update the software in images from GaladrielMap Emergency Kit. Unzip archive as described in README.txt, but prevent from overwriting boatInfo.ini file and, if necessary, files /GaladrielMap/netAIS/params.php, /GaladrielMap/tileproxy/params.php,/GaladrielMap/map/params.php and /GaladrielMap/tileproxy/mapsources/C-MAP.json.
.ova and Raspbery Pi images contains:
- Apache2
- PHP7
- gpsd
- mc
- other
The Raspberry Pi bootable image available for $25 by ЮMoney or in another way. You can also order burn image to SD card the capacity you need. The cost will be $15 + the SD card cost + shipping cost.
The Raspberry Pi image is fully configured and ready for operation.