A Front-End Web Application for searching information on Universities and Students in USA. This application fetches data from APIs, you can read more about the APIs here.
This Front-End Application is part of a Full Stack Project. GitHub repo link for Back-End API Application : https://github.com/WizArdZ3658/University-Backend.
The website is deployed at Heroku, click here to view.
- Shows dashboards/charts by State.
- Shows dashboards/charts by Courses.
- You can drill down a particular sector and see the list.
After drilling down to a particular college.
- It shows college details
- Shows a list of students in that college
- Shows a list of similar colleges
- Student details will be shown through a modal, which gets activated after clicking of button.
The website is hosted on Heroku.
HTML, CSS, Javascript
React, Axios, Chart.js, Redux, React Router Dom, Webpack, Babel, Heroku, Bootstrap, VSCode, Git, University API
Windows(my PC), Linux(Deployment server)