Build: https://ci.webfilings.com/build/3825931
Skynet Results: https://wf-skynet-hrd.appspot.com/apps/test/smithy/3825931/latest
Pipeline: https://w-rmconsole.appspot.com/release/pipeline/5884758549331968/
This patch release includes the following changes:
Bug Fixes
- #344 FED-358 Work around identityHashCode throwing for non-extensible objects
- FED-358 Work around identityHashCode throwing for non-extensible objects
#345 RM-139349 Release react-dart 6.1.7
- RM-139349 RELEASE react-dart 6.1.7
#335 Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6
#338 Bump ansi-regex from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1
#340 Replace deprecated commands with new dart commands
#341 FW-151 Add skynet config that verifies that github workflow is successful
- FW-151 Add skynet config to react-dart
#342 Narrow dependency_validator range to avoid NNBD issue
Notes created on Thursday, August 11 10:23 PM UTC