This is a PocketMine Plugin. It shows the health of the opponent.
You have two options:
show your opponent's health in numbers
show your opponent's health in hearts
Install plugin
Stop/start server
Edit config
Restart server
Have FUN!
Costom Message
Custom Format
Custom Type: Numeric/Emoji
Custom Show
# 1 = It only shows you health when you hit it with a projectile
# 2 = It shows your health when you hit it with anything
Show: 2
# 0 = Disable Show HP
# 1 = Default, show numeric HP
# 2 = Show Player HP in Hreat Emoji(Hypixel)
Type: 2
#Format type:
# 1 = Send Player Message with Attacked player HP
# 2 = Send Player Popup with Attacked player HP
# 3 = Send Player Title with Attacked player HP
Format: 2
# (optional)Use for Heart = ❤
# (optional)Use for Color = §
# @name = Player name
# @hp = Player HP
MessageHP: "§l§e@name §cis now in§e @hp §cHP"
PopupHP: "§l§7@name§c @hp §4❤"
TitleHP: "§l§b@name §r§c\n@hp §4❤"