This is script for converting VOC format XMLs to COCO format json(ex. coco_eval.json).
This repository is forked from yukkyo/voc2coco, with an issue about non-unique image IDs. The issue has been fixed and test in this forked repository.
Thanks Yukkyo for creating this handy convert tool.
We can use COCO API, this is very useful(ex. calculating mAP).
labels.txt if need for making dictionary for converting label to id.
Sample labels.txt
$ python \
--ann_dir /path/to/annotation/dir \
--ann_ids /path/to/annotations/ids/list.txt \
--labels /path/to/labels.txt \
--output /path/to/output.json \
<option> --ext xml
$ python \
--ann_paths_list /path/to/annotation/paths.txt \
--labels /path/to/labels.txt \
--output /path/to/output.json \
<option> --ext xml
In this case, you can convert Shenggan/BCCD_Dataset: BCCD Dataset is a small-scale dataset for blood cells detection. by this script.
$ python \ 金 5/24 20:14:59 2019
--ann_dir sample/Annotations \
--ann_ids sample/dataset_ids/test.txt \
--labels sample/labels.txt \
--output sample/bccd_test_cocoformat.json \
--ext xml
# Check output
$ ls sample/ | grep bccd_test_cocoformat.json 金 5/24 20:16:09 2019
# Check output
cut -f -4 -d , sample/bccd_test_cocoformat.json 金 5/24 20:20:49 2019
{"images": [{"file_name": "BloodImage_00007.jpg", "height": 480, "width": 640, "id": "BloodImage_00007"}