- Responsive, scale for tablets, mobiles and desktops
- Dynamic Typed Messages for intro
- Post Preview at home page
- Estimated Reading Time
- Older and Newer Post Navigation at home page
- Next and Prev Post Navigation for each blog
- Share blogs via linked in, twitter, facebook etc.
- Mail Chimps Subscribe Form.
- Disqus Comments and Counts
- 404 not found page
- Mobile friendly.
- Good performance, fast loading.
- Download or clone repo
git clone https://github.com/XunaXu/Jeykll-Iris.git
- Enter the folder:
cd Jekyll-Iris/
- Start Jekyll server:
jekyll serve
- Follow console log from the terminal
Change the color theme in the file located at "source/_sass/_variables.scss"
$primary-color: #7E57C2; //as violet color in the demo
$highlight-color: #F48FB1; //as pink color in the demo
- replace google_analytics at _config.yml
- run jekyll serve to ensure changes in _config.yml are applied.
- replace disqus_shortname at _config.yml
- run jekyll serve to ensure changes in _config.yml are applied.
- Go to source/_includes/subscribe.html
- Follow this tutorial for mailchimps signup form
- nandomoreirame: dotX Jekyll Theme
- scotte: clean Jekyll Theme
- AkshayAgarwal007: jeykll-Mono Jekyll Theme
- brianmaierjr: long-haul Jekyll Theme
- PanosSakkos: personal-jekyll-theme Jekyll Theme
It is under the MIT license.