64-bit unix-like kernel for Raspberry Pi 3B+ (CPU: Arm Cortex A53)
NYCU, Operating System Capstone, Spring 2021Student ID | GitHub Account | Name | |
0856167 | Yunyung | 許振揚 | [email protected] |
- This is the repository for the labs in NCTU CS Operating Systems Capstone(OSC, or OSDI) Spring 2021 class.
- We are going to design some important part in the OS implementation.
- The hardware we use is Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+.
- Lab instruction is in here.
- You can download different labs in branch and release.
- Here are some references we use in each lab.
- Lab 0: Environment Setup
- Lab 1: Hello World
- Lab 2: Bootloader
- Lab 3: Allocator
- Lab 4: Exception and Interrupt
- Lab 5: Thread and User Process
- Lab 6: Virtual File System
- Lab 7: File System Meets Hardware
- Lab 8: Virtual Memory
- Lab0: Environment Setup
- Lab1: Hello World
- Lab2: Booting
- Lab3: Allocator
- Lab4: Exception and Interrupt Handling
- Lab5: Multitasking
- Lab6: Virtual Filesystem
- Lab7: Filesystem Meets Hardware
- Lab8: Virtual Memory
- Initialize rpi3 (Clear bss segment, set stack pointer...)
- Set up mini UART
- Kernel shell
- UART bootloader
- Loading cpio archive
- Bootloader Self Relocation
- Parsing Devicetree
- Synchronous exception handling
- Asynchronous interrupts (i.e. Hardware interrupt) handling. (Including core timer, mini uart I/O)
- MiniUART I/O - supports sync/async I/O
- Timer Multiplexing
- Concurrent I/O Devices Handling
- Create kernel/user thread
- Context switch
- Task Scheduler
- System call. (fork / exec / wait / exit...)
- User / Kernel threads
- Wait queues
- User preeption
- Kernel preemption - protect critical sections
- POSIX Signals - kill(), signal(), sigreturn()
- Buddy Memory Allocator
- Slab Allocator
- Startup Allocator
- Kernel/User virtual address space
- Page fault handler
- mmap
- Demand paging
- ELF Loader
- Copy on Write
- Virtual filesystem (VFS)
- VFS APIs and interfaces - open / read / write / close / mount ...
- VFS System calls
- Multi-levels VFS
- Memory-based file system, tmpfs. And mount the tmpfs as the root file system.
- Component name cache mechanism for faster pathname lookup
- Read a directory
- System-wide opened file table, Per-process file descriptor tables
- Populate the root file system with initramfs
- Mount Another File System
- /proc file system
- Fat32 file system - read / write / open / close ...
- Read/write data from an SD card hardware
- Access hardware devices by the VFS
- Mount the FAT32 File System
- Parse MBR (Master Boot Record)
- FAT32 with LFN (Long File Name) support
- Device File
- Memory as cache for external storage