This is intended to be a feature rich, all inclusive tutorial series for learning the capabilities and usage of the features present in Discord.Net V3+.
All code and features used here will be available through the Discord.Net Nuget packages
I will be using Visual Studio Community 2022 almost exclusively through the series. The Nuget packages used are:
- Discord.Net 3.4.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Yaml 2.0.0-preview2
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 6.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 6.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting 6.0.0
- YamlDotNet 8.1.2
These packages and versions used may be changed over time as new features are added or bugs are fixed.
The YamlDotNet version used (8.1.2) is important. The latest is bugged and will not work.
The /main branch is the boilerplate bot code. Only basic functionality. The other branches are feature additions on top of the boilerplate code. They can be mixed and matched as desired. I will do my best to maintain compatibility across them.
- Slash commands
- User Context Commands
- Message Context Commands
- Prefix Commands
- Buttons
- Select Menus
- Modals (text box inputs)
config.yml (Must end up in same directory as bot executable) Sample config.yml contents below:
testguild: test_guild_id_here
discord: discord_bot_token_here