A C# Wrapper for the Torn City API based on the now depreciated wrapper by CarlHalstead.
- Asynchronous Calls
- Support for most endpoints
- Logging unknown Json properties
Install RiotSharp through NuGet:
PM> Install-Package TornSharp
You first have to create API key here.
Entry point for the API:
var api = new TornApiWrapper("YOUR_API_KEY");
Specifying rate limit (unspecified defaults to unlimited):
var api = new TornApiWrapper("YOUR_API_KEY", yourRateLimit);
Disabling unknown Json logging:
var api = new TornApiWrapper("YOUR_API_KEY", yourRateLimit, false);
To get basic data of a Torn User:
//example: Chedburn [1]
var user = api.GetFromUserApi<UserBasic>("1").Result;
var name = user.Name;
var level = user.Level;
var playerId = user.PlayerId;
catch (Exception e)
// Handle the exception
Note: calls require matching the method to the associated endpoint category
Ex. For torn calls you must do:
//example: Getting Torn education
var education = api.GetFromTornApi<TornEducation>().Result;
instead of
//will not work
var education = api.GetFromUserApi<TornEducation>().Result;
Support for combined api calls are possible
//gets two endpoint objects in one call
List<object> market = api.GetFromMarketApi<MarketBazaar, MarketItemMarket>().Result;
//type muse be casted
MarketBazaar bazaar = (MarketBazaar)market[0];
MarketItemMarket ItemMarket = (MarketItemMarket)market[1];
Note: like above, combined calls must be part of the same endpoints and some combinations may not work
These are the current endpoint categories available:
- User
- Property
- Faction
- Company
- Market
- Torn
- Key
More details on endpoints can be found on the Unofficial Torn Api.
- Some endpoints/types are incomplete due to unknown variable types/enum types
- Incorrect data or errors may occur on integer types (int vs long)
These problems are mostly due to incomplete/unknown data from the unofficial documentation.
If any of these problems above occur you can open an issue here.
(Please report unknown/incomplete data to the Unofficial Torn Api as well)!
Contributions can be made by opening a pull request here.
- System.Text.Json
- System.Text.Json.EnumExtensions
This wrapper is under the Apache 2.0 License.
This is heavily based on TornCityApiSharp by CarlHalstead.
All the Json models are based on the Unofficial Torn Api.