A simple and easy-to-use C++ finite state machine.
The OpenLinyou project designs a cross-platform server framework. Write code in VS or XCode and run it on Linux without any changes, even on Android and iOS. OpenLinyou:https://github.com/openlinyou OpenThread:https://github.com/openlinyou/openthread https://gitee.com/linyouhappy/openthread
Please install the cmake tool. With cmake you can build a VS or XCode project and compile and run it on VS or XCode. Source code:https://github.com/openlinyou/openfsm
# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/openlinyou/openfsm
cd ./openfsm
# Create a build project directory
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# If it's win32, openfsm.sln will appear in this directory. Click it to start VS for coding and debugging.
- src/openfsm.h
- src/openfsm.cpp
The spaceship has four states: Ground Pressure Test (StateTest), Ignition Launch (StateLaunch), Recovery Return (ActionReturn), and Launch Failure (StateFailure).
Each state consists of several actions. In this way, multiple actions make up a state, and multiple states make up a state machine.
- Ground Pressure Test (StateTest): Engine Test (ActionTestEngine) and Fuel Tank Test (ActionTestTank);
- Ignition Launch (StateLaunch): Spaceship Ignition (ActionFireUp) and Launch Lift-off (ActionLaunch);
- Recovery Return (ActionReturn): Return to Ground for Recovery (ActionReturn);
- Launch Failure (StateFailure): Launch Failure(ActionFailure);
State transitions. There are two types of state transitions.
- If the Ground Pressure Test(StateTest) is successful, it switches to Ignition Launch(StateLaunch), otherwise it switches to Launch Failure(StateFailure).
- If the Ignition Launch(StateLaunch) is successful, it switches to Recovery Return(ActionReturn), otherwise it switches to Launch Failure(StateFailure).
Before creating the state machine, register the actions first.
Select a set of actions to form a state. There are four states in total.
OpenFSM::RegisterState("StateTest", { "ActionTestEngine", "ActionTestTank" }, EStateTest);
OpenFSM::RegisterState("StateLaunch", { "ActionFireUp", "ActionLaunch" }, EStateLaunch);
OpenFSM::RegisterState("StateRecycle", { "ActionReturn" }, EStateRecycle);
OpenFSM::RegisterState("StateFailure", { "ActionFailure"}, EStateFailure);
Specify that the state can switch to the next state. For example, if the spaceship is dealing with a launch failure explosion state, it cannot switch to other states.
OpenFSM::RegisterRelation("StateTest", { "StateLaunch", "StateFailure" });
OpenFSM::RegisterRelation("StateLaunch", { "StateRecycle", "StateFailure" });
Assemble the state machine, which can be assembled using state names or ids. If it is a traditional rocket, there are only three states: StateTest, StateLaunch, StateFailure. Starship has a recycling state, with four states: StateTest, StateLaunch, StateRecycle, StateFailure.
openFSM_.setStates({ "StateTest", "StateLaunch", "StateRecycle", "StateFailure" });
openFSM_.setStates({ EStateTest, EStateLaunch, EStateRecycle, EStateFailure });
Complete design code
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "openfsm.h"
using namespace open;
enum EFMSState
EStateTest = 100,
EStateLaunch = 101,
EStateRecycle = 102,
EStateFailure = 103,
struct StarShip
OpenFSM openFSM_;
void start()
// or openFSM_.setStates({ "StateTest", "StateLaunch", "StateRecycle", "StateFailure" });
openFSM_.setStates({ EStateTest, EStateLaunch, EStateRecycle, EStateFailure });
bool testEngine() {return std::rand() % 3 == 0;}
bool testTank() {return std::rand() % 3 == 0;}
bool fireUp() {return std::rand() % 3 == 0;}
bool launch() {return std::rand() % 3 == 0;}
bool update()
return openFSM_.focusEState() == EStateRecycle;
class ActionTestEngine: public OpenFSMAction
virtual void enter(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] enter\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
virtual void update(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] update\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
if (fsm.custom<StarShip>()->testEngine())
printf("==>StarShip Engine Ok\n");
printf("==>StarShip Engine Bad\n");
virtual void exit(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] exit\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
class ActionTestTank: public OpenFSMAction
virtual void enter(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] enter\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
virtual void update(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] update\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
if (fsm.custom<StarShip>()->testTank())
printf("==>StarShip Tank Ok\n");
printf("==>StarShip Tank Bad\n");
virtual void exit(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] exit\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
class ActionFireUp : public OpenFSMAction
virtual void enter(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] enter\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
virtual void update(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] update\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
if (fsm.custom<StarShip>()->fireUp())
printf("==>StarShip FireUp Ok\n");
printf("==>StarShip FireUp Failed\n");
virtual void exit(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] exit\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
class ActionLaunch : public OpenFSMAction
virtual void enter(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] enter\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
virtual void update(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] update\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
if (fsm.custom<StarShip>()->launch())
printf("==>StarShip Launch Ok\n");
printf("==>StarShip Launch Failed\n");
virtual void exit(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] exit\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
class ActionReturn : public OpenFSMAction
virtual void enter(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] enter\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
virtual void update(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] update\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
printf("==>Congratulation! Complete mission!\n");
virtual void exit(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] exit\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
class ActionFailure : public OpenFSMAction
virtual void enter(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] enter\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
virtual void update(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] update\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
printf("==>StarShip Launch again\n");
virtual void exit(OpenFSM& fsm) const
printf("[%s.%s] exit\n", fsm.focusStateName().c_str(), actionName_.c_str());
int main()
OpenFSM::RegisterState("StateTest", { "ActionTestEngine", "ActionTestTank" }, EStateTest);
OpenFSM::RegisterState("StateLaunch", { "ActionFireUp", "ActionLaunch" }, EStateLaunch);
OpenFSM::RegisterState("StateRecycle", { "ActionReturn" }, EStateRecycle);
OpenFSM::RegisterState("StateFailure", { "ActionFailure"}, EStateFailure);
OpenFSM::RegisterRelation("StateTest", { "StateLaunch", "StateFailure" });
OpenFSM::RegisterRelation("StateLaunch", { "StateRecycle", "StateFailure" });
StarShip starShip;
int count = 1000;
while (count-- > 0)
if (starShip.update())
return getchar();