Github repo for Group 7 of KAIST CS470 course (Introduction to AI) working on an application of the Open manipulator project sorting numbered objects into different boxes according to the number written on them.
You can have an idea of what was the aim of our project in the project poster.
(Ubuntu 20.04 required, very likely not to work with a virtual machine)
Follow the steps detailed in ROBOTIS' official tutorial Don't forget to install Dynamixel :)
pip install cv2
pip install pillow
pip install skimage
pip install torch
In case you still get an error from a missing library, just install it
- Follow this tutorial
- The robot is connected to your computer by USB
- Check that the robot is powered
- Make sure the robot is in a valid position before starting. An example for a pose (without the blue box, with gripper on the ground) you can find here
open two terminals.
First terminal :
(only if it is the firs time running the project since you restarted your laptop) Second terminal:
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
rosrun open_manipulator_controller create_udev_rules
Second terminal:
roslaunch open_manipulator_controllers joint_trajectory_controller.launch dynamixel_usb_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 sim:=false
For more ROS launch info see this guide
Open the file oma_main.ipynb (located in src) with your favorite Python Notebook editor (VS code, Jupyter..). Beware, ROS is not installed by default on Google Collab. Then you can execute the cells step by step. Enjoy :)
If you face some issue during the process, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]