A library for accessing Adobe Lightroom catalogs.
Here's something you can do with the output - Lightroom Catalog Visualization with Go and d3 .
Documentation is available on godoc.org.
- Produce summary statistics on a variety of dimensions - photos shot by day, by camera and lens, by aperture or exposure, etc...
- Produce hierarchical summaries for rendering Sunburst charts with the accompanying JavaScript code (see above)
- Extract JPEG previews from the catalog preview cache
- Purge sidecar files with the CLI commands
This library began as a very simple script to purge sidecar files from disk. The bulk of my photography is travel photography, and for my current setup I usually don't bring a laptop - I travel with an iPad and a WD My Passport Wireless Pro backup device, which is basically a portable wifi NAS with SD card backup.
The Passport device can serve access to the downloaded photos - it's slow, but it's sufficient for basic review, and for selecting highlights to post while travelling, but it doesn't support RAW files. Therefore, I shoot in RAW+JPG while travelling, and when I return and back everything up to my Synology I purge the sidecar files.
Since every Lightroom catalog is actually a Sqlite database file, running SQL queries to extract the sidecar paths was trivial - that ensures that I'm not deleting any images that were shot as JPG only.
Since then, the codebase has evolved significantly thanks to my interests in data visualization.
- Extract preview for lost images. A Lua script for Lightroom Classic to extract image previews as jpegs, from Adobe support.
- Lightroom SDK Downloads
- Linwood-F/DumpJPGs
- Chandler/lightroom_preview_exporter
- perlmonk/lrpreview2jpg.pl
- arnar/lightroommate