An esp32 library to get the moon phase angle and percentage of the moon that is illuminated.
- Download the latest release and unpack in the Arduino
folder. - Restart the Arduino IDE.
moonPhase getPhase()
Get the current moon phase. (First set freeRTOS system time) -
moonPhase getPhase( time_t t )
Get the moon phase at timet
#include <moonPhase.h>
moonPhase moonPhase; // include a MoonPhase instance
void setup() {
Serial.println( "moonPhase simple example." );
moonData_t moon; // variable to receive the data
moon = moonPhase.getPhase(); // gets the current moon phase ( 1/1/1970 at 00:00:00 UTC )
Serial.print( "Moon phase angle: " );
Serial.print( moon.angle ); // angle is a integer between 0-360
Serial.println( " degrees." );
Serial.print( "Moon surface lit: " );
Serial.print( moon.percentLit * 100 ); // percentLit is a real between 0-1
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly: