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Dyncol (Dynamic Columns)

Mads Thines edited this page Feb 15, 2017 · 2 revisions

Author: Mads Thines


Makes all elements inside of the parent to be in one row.

How to use

Include on the parent of the elements where you want to create the grid system. (Everythings optional)

@include dyncol;


@include dyncol(2%, *);

  • Margin 2% is the margin between the rows
  • Selector The selector's element (Only useful if there's other html tags in the same parent)

DyncolFloat (Dynamic Columns - Float)

Author: Mads Thines


Makes all elements inside of the parent to be in one row.

How to use

Include on the parent of the elements where you want to create the grid system. (Everythings optional)

@include dyncolFloat;


@include dyncolFloat(2%, *);

  • Margin 2% is the margin between the rows
  • Selector The selector's element (Only useful if there's other html tags in the same parent)
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