It is a Fully Responsive Shopping Website a Similar Product of It is backend integrated and fully authenticated using React Js. We have Used the best version and UI components from several fields along with the power of React JS to make it fully user friendly.Accessed By anyone from Anywhere.
It's Frontend is fully made up of Tailwind and React JS Frameworks.
The Means which we used to store data is MongoDB through express-JS API calls.
Table of Contents
With the ground rules out of the way, let's talk about the coarse architecture of this mono repo:
Here is a list of all the big technologies we use:
├── homeify # Files used on the frontend
├── public
├── assets #Contains all Images and Videos used
├── Images
├── Videos
├── src #Contains all React FronEnd Files
├── components #All Related Components
├── Main #Main UI Rendered Pages
├── Personal #Eaxh Personal developer related components
├── server #Backend api and Mogo Schemas
├── Schema #All Colletions Models
The first step to running Homeify locally is downloading the code by cloning the repository:
git clone
Homeify has a single installation step:
- Install the dependencies:
cd homeify
npm install
You've now finished installing everything! Let's start 💯
Ps: if you're getting error installing the dependencies, try --force command along with npm install. For example
npm install --force
Now you're ready to run the app locally and sign into your local instance!
cd server
npm install (or npm install --force)
To Start the Mongo-server for Backend run
cd server
node index.js (or nodemon)
Then Start The FrontEnd
cd homeify
npm start
Facing Difficulty in Frontend Server VISIT) Facing Difficulty in Backend Server VISIT
If you have any feedback or suggestions please reach out to the Project-Maintainer Aditya Kumar
- Contributions make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create.
- Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.