This package holds fabricfiles that allow to run general administration tasks from remote. The package consists of two main parts:
- Server setup and configuration
- Project and application management
Each hold further isolated tasks:
def prepare_new_machine(self):
These tasks are meant to be compiled into application specific common actions:
from a25.fabfiles import project
def deploy():
""" Deploy current master to production server """
In order to make use of the provided recipes you neeed to generate a project specific fabfile in your development buildout:
recipe = collective.recipe.template
input = ${buildout:directory}/buildout.d/
output = ${buildout:directory}/
And provide a '' template:
from fabric.api import task
from fabric.api import env
from ade25.fabfiles import project
env.use_ssh_config = True
env.forward_agent = True
After running your project buildout's development.cfg development profile you should have the fab command. In order to display the available tasks and actions:
# bin/fab -list
Available commands:
hotfix.update_package_list Append package to buildout eggs
project.db.backup Database backup Database download
project.db.fullbackup Database backup full
project.db.restore Database backup restore
project.db.snapshotbackup Database backup snapshot Buildout deployment profile (no update) Buildout deployment profile (full) Restart instance Update buildout from git/master
server.setup.configure_egg_cache Configure a system-wide egg-cache for zc.buildout.
server.setup.configure_fs Configure filesystem structure
server.setup.generate_selfsigned_ssl Generate self-signed SSL certificates and provide them ...
server.setup.generate_virtualenv Configure virtualenv
server.setup.install_python Install Python
server.status.disk Server disk and filesystem usage
server.status.host_type Server host type information
server.status.load Server average system load
server.status.memory Server memory usage
server.status.status Server status information
server.status.supervisor Server supervisord process status
server.status.uptime Server uptime
This collection of fabfiles tries to deal with the special case of a pending hotfix in a graceful way. We asume that all sites are hosted on a specific Xen domU and therefore share a common configuration and are controlled by a central webserver buildout based on the 'ade25.webserver' skeleton.
Processing an automatic hotfix requires the host to be setup accordingly. Please make sure that you have a valid 'git' user configured since the fabfile tries to to keep your remote checkout clean and will attempt to commit the updated/patched configuration files upon upload.
If you do not have a git user configured, you can do the following:
from ade25.fabfiles.server import setup
def add_gituser():
username='John Doe',
email='[email protected]'
The webserver blueprint buildout should already have you set up to process a hotfix otherwise. So grap a single malt, gather some patience and simply invoke:
bin/fab hotfix:Product.PloneHotfixXXXXXXX