This Repo demonstrates the use of the following in vuejs
- Vue Routing
- Components
- Communication between Components ( Parent to child component )
- Axios Library to make HTTP calls
The Application is deployed in
Refer to install NodeJS
Install Vue Cli Node Package Globally using the following Command.
npm install -g @vue/cli
Clone the application to local
Go into the project Folder and install the npm packages using the following command
npm install
Run the following command to run the application
npm run serve
The Application runs on localhost:8080
Customers : This View Displays a list of customers and gets the data from a json from assets folder
CustomerDetails : This View Displays the Details of a single customer and gets the data from a json from assets Folder
Display : Display component displays the name of the selected customer in Customers View. Display is a child component of Customers View
axios library is used to make http calls
The Application has 2 endpoints
/customers : The ties to Customers View
/customerdetails : This ties to CustomerDetails View
VueJS :
vue cli :
axios :
vue bootstrap :
vue router :