When releasing with semantic release, automatically tag releases in Coralogix, so that release-related errors can be found faster
Coralogix has a great tags feature that allows you to flag the time when a particular service has been deployed (which might impact its likelihood of causing errors or other changed behavior). If you are using Semantic Release to automate releases, then this plugin can tag releases for you automatically.
Step | Description |
verifyConditions |
Verify that the CORALOGIX_TAGGER_API_KEY environment variable has been set and that it is able to access the Coralogix API |
publish |
Add a release tag to Coralogix, supporting the configured applications , subsystems , and iconUrl |
$ npm install -D @adobe/semantic-release-coralogix
The plugin can be configured in the semantic-release configuration file:
"plugins": [
["@adobe/semantic-release-coralogix", {
"iconUrl": "https://emojipedia-us.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/thumbs/240/apple/325/ship_1f6a2.png",
"applications": [
Variable | Description |
The API key should be copied from Data Flow –> API Keys –> "Alerts, Rules and Tags API Key" |
Parameter | Type | Description |
application |
string[] |
The applications this release will affect. If empty, all applications will be affected |
subsystem |
string[] |
The subsystems this release will affect. If empty, all subsystems will be affected |
hostname |
string |
The base hostname you use to access Coralogix. Omit for coralogix.com |
iconUrl |
string |
URL of a small image to use as the icon for the release. |
$ npm install
$ npm test
$ npm run lint