The Who Charted bundle extends the functionality of the Oro Chart bundle in order to use the Chart.js library. Out-of-the-box the Oro BAP Chart bundle uses the flotr2 library for charts. This bundle's goal is to add the Chart.js library as another option.
The Who Charted bundle is dependent on the Oro BAP, and as such has all the same requirements as the Oro BAP. Those requirements can be viewed here.
- PHP 5.4.4 or above
- Oro BAP 1.0 or above
If your composer is up-to-date run the following command and proceed to party:
php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar require "jovial/who-charted"
Otherwise do it the old fashioned way and add the following line to your composer.json
"require": {
// Other requirements
"jovial/who-charted": "dev-master"
Now you are ready to update composer.
php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar update
After composer finishes updating you need to clear your cache and install the assets.
php app/console cache:clear
php app/console assets:install
Using Who Charted is not a whole lot different from using the native Oro Chart service. You will need to setup all the proper controllers, routes, and configurations to add a widget to the dashboard. Most of that is out of the scope of this document but can be found here.
First gather your data.
$data = $this->getDoctrine()
The data must be in a certain format before it gets set on the widget attribute. For bar charts, line charts, and radar charts the data must look like this:
'labels' => array("Label 1", "Label 2", "Label 3"),
"datasets" => array(
array('data' => array(100, 200, 300))
For polar charts, pie charts, and doughnut charts the data must look like this:
array('label' => 'Label 1', 'value' => 100),
array('label' => 'Label 2', 'value' => 200),
array('label' => 'Label 3', 'value' => 300)
Next you need to create a widget attribute.
$widgetAttr = $this->get('oro_dashboard.widget_attributes')->getWidgetAttributesForTwig($widget);
Then you just call the Who Charted service and set the data and options and get the view.
$widgetAttr['chartView'] = $this->get('who.charted')
'name' => 'bar_chart',
'settings' => array(
'colors' => [['fillColor' => 'rgba(222,38,76,.6)', 'strokeColor' => 'rgba(188,13,53,.6)', 'highlightFill' => 'rgba(246,177,195,.6)', 'highlightStroke' => 'rgba(240,120,140,.6)']],
'barValueSpacing' => 50,
'animation' => true
return $widgetAttr;
Inside the setOptions()
method you need to pass it the name of the chart you want to use. Currently there are 6 types that are available: bar_chart, line_chart, radar_chart, polar_chart, pie_chart, and doughnut_chart. Next you can override any of the chart's default settings using the optional settings
Inside the settings
array you can override any of the chart type default values using the Chart.js keys and acceptable values. As an example of what defaults can be overridden, take a look at the Chart.js documentation for the bar chart ...
The settings
array has one special sub-array that lets you specify colors for your chart. If no colors are specified then default colors will be used.
Below is an example dashboard controller.
namespace YourNamespace\Bundle\YourBundle\Controller\Dashboard;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use Oro\Bundle\WorkflowBundle\Model\WorkflowManager;
use OroCRM\Bundle\SalesBundle\Entity\Repository\SalesFunnelRepository;
class DashboardController extends Controller
* @Route(
* "/your_route/chart/{widget}",
* name="your_route_name",
* requirements={"widget"="[\w-]+"}
* )
* @Template("YourNamespaceYourBundle:Dashboard:exampleChart.html.twig")
public function exampleChartAction($widget)
$data = $this->getDoctrine()
$widgetAttr = $this->get('oro_dashboard.widget_attributes')->getWidgetAttributesForTwig($widget);
$widgetAttr['chartView'] = $this->get('who.charted')
'name' => 'bar_chart',
'settings' => array(
'colors' => [
'fillColor' => 'rgba(222,38,76,.6)',
'strokeColor' => 'rgba(188,13,53,.6)',
'highlightFill' => 'rgba(246,177,195,.6)',
'highlightStroke' => 'rgba(240,120,140,.6)'
'barValueSpacing' => 50,
'animation' => true
return $widgetAttr;
Below is an example view file.
{% extends 'OroDashboardBundle:Dashboard:chartWidget.html.twig' %}
{% block content %}
{{ chartView.render()|raw }}
{% endblock %}