This Student Record System
is a simple console-based application developed in C. It utilizes linked lists to manage student data, including names, grades, IDs, ages, genders, and passwords. The system supports two modes of operation: Admin mode and User mode, catering to different user privileges and needs.
- Two Modes of Operation: Select between Admin and User mode at startup.
- Secure Access: Requires passwords to access sensitive features.
- Add Student Record: Enter student's name, total grade, unique ID, age, gender, and password.
- Remove Student Record: Remove a student's record by their unique ID.
- View Student Record: Display a student's details using their ID.
- View All Records: Display all students' records.
- Edit Admin Password: Secure admin operations by allowing password changes.
- Edit Student Grade: Modify a student's grade using their ID.
- View Your Record: Display the logged-in student's record.
- Edit Your Password: Allows students to change their own passwords.
- Edit Your Name: Enables students to update their name.
- Linked Lists: Utilizes linked lists for efficient data manipulation and storage.
- Dynamic Memory Allocation: Ensures flexible memory usage by dynamically allocating space for student names and passwords.
- Unique ID Checks: Guarantees that each student ID is unique and prevents duplicate records.
- Password-Protected Admin Access: Protects sensitive operations behind a password verification process with a default password
and a limit of three attempts. - Individual Logins for Users: Each student can access and edit their own records using their ID and password.
- Starting the Program: Run the program and choose between Admin or User mode.
- Admin Mode: Authenticate with the admin password. Upon successful login, perform administrative tasks like adding, removing, or editing student records.
- User Mode: Log in using a student ID and password to view or edit personal details.
- File Pointers: In C, file operations are performed using file pointers (FILE *). You can open, read from, write to, and close files using these pointers.
- Opening Files: You can open files using the fopen function, which takes two arguments: the file path and the mode (e.g., "r" for read, "w" for write, "a" for append). If the file doesn't exist, it will be created when opening in write mode.
- Reading from Files: You can read from files using functions like fscanf, fgets, or fread. These functions read data from the file and store it in variables or buffers.
- Writing to Files: Writing to files is done using functions like fprintf, fputs, or fwrite. These functions write data from variables or buffers to the file.
- Closing Files: After you're done with a file, you should close it using the fclose function. This ensures that any buffered data is written to the file and releases system resources associated with the file.
- If admin Edits Student Degree in Admin Mode or User edits his name or grade in User Mode that changes are done in the file and the changes are saved in the file.
- Ensure proper validation of user inputs to prevent errors during operations like adding new students or editing existing ones.
- Regularly update and test security features to safeguard user data.
This README aims to provide a clear overview of the Student Record System
project. It serves as a guide for developers and users to understand the functionalities, implementation techniques, and best practices associated with the system.