My project description
npm install
npm run dev
# OR
# Dev server (vite)
docker build -t <image>:<tag> -f Dockerfile .
docker run --name vuejs_template -p 5173:5173 <image>:<tag>
# Prod server (nginx)
docker build -t <image>:<tag> -f Dockerfile.prod .
docker run --name vuejs_template -p <host_port>:8080 <image>:<tag> # Port forward to nginx
npm run test:unit
npm run type-check
├── .cloudbuild - Cloud Build configuration
│ └── cloudbuild.yaml
├── .eslintrc.cjs - eslint rules configuration
├── .github - Github Actions
│ └── workflows
├── Dockerfile
├── Dockerfile.prod - Used to build and deploy on Cloud Run
├── i18n - Multi langage support configuration
├── iac - Terraform resources
├── deploy.sh - Deployment script
├── index.html - Entrypoint
├── main.tf - Terraform configuration for deployment
├── nginx.conf - Nginx conf used by Dockerfile.prod
├── src - Web stuffs
│ ├── App.vue - Vue root component
│ ├── api - Api Settings & axios wrapper
│ ├── assets - Global css & images
│ └── components
│ └── common - Reusable components (Form, Container, Table...)
│ └── Navbar.vue
│ └── NavigationDrawer.vue - Left Sidebar
│ ├── composables - Reusable JS wrappers
│ ├── helpers - Global utils
│ ├── main.ts - App global conf (i18n, store, router, themes...)
│ ├── middleware - Interceptor
│ ├── router - Routes definitions
│ ├── stores - Pinia store management
│ ├── types - Custom/Missing types
│ └── views - Pages
├── tests - Unit Tests
The template is using ESLint for VueJS.
By default, auto formatting is enabled on save.
You can run prettier formatting, but ensure eslint for VueJS is re-apply after.
To add any new langage:
- Add new languages in JSON format to
directory - Complete 'languages' & 'countries_info' variables in
(see vue-i18n for more documentation)
(see vue-country-flag-next for country flags)
First, make sure ADC is configured correctly.
Init required resources and start deployment:
gcloud components update && gcloud components install beta
./deploy.sh -e <dev|staging|prod> # Will get the correct .env.x file & inject variables
# Creates required resources & IAM permissions
# - Secret in Secret Manager filled with .env.dev
# - Cloud Storage bucket to store terraform state
# - Artifact registry repository to store Cloud Run images
# - Required IAM permissions for Cloud Build default SA
# - run.admin
# - artifactregistry.admin
# - secretmanager.secretAccessor
# - storage.admin
# - serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin
# - Cloud Build trigger to run deployment on push
# Then it starts the Cloud Build trigger
Cloud Build is now ready to auto deploy new Cloud Run revision after each push
./deploy.sh -e <dev|staging|prod> # Will get the correct .env.x file & inject variables
# - Replaces secret version content if it differs from .env.x
# - Runs the existing Cloud Build trigger
Enable Github Actions API in your repository
Actions are configured to run linting for every Pull Request on develop, uat and main branches
On push, .cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml will:
- Build and push new image
- re-apply the iac/main.tf infrastructure to ensure consistency
- Deploy the new Cloud Run revision
Use iac/main.tf to deploy new GCP resources if possible to make terraform aware of it
Digital Lab [email protected]