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Setting Up Cluster for Custos Deployment
Nirav Raje edited this page May 6, 2022
1 revision
Login into master instance and follow below steps:-
Create namespaces:-
kubectl create namespace keycloak
kubectl create namespace vault
kubectl create namespace custos
- Clone the repository:-
- Follow:-
git clone https://github.com/airavata-courses/scapsulators.git
cd scapsulators
git checkout custos-deployment-development
- Deploy cert-manager:-
cd cert-manager
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.8.0/cert-manager.yaml
kubectl apply -f issuer.yaml
- Deploy keycloak:-
cd ../keycloak/postgres
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
// Create PVs
kubectl apply -f pv.yaml,pv1.yaml,pv2.yaml
// deploy postgres
helm install keycloak-db-postgresql bitnami/postgresql -f values.yaml -n keycloak --version 10.12.3
cd ..
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/master/deploy/upstream/quickstart/crds.yaml
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/master/deploy/upstream/quickstart/olm.yaml
git clone https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-operator
cp operator.yaml keycloak-operator/deploy/
cd keycloak-operator
make cluster/prepare
kubectl apply -f deploy/operator.yaml -n keycloak
cd ..
kubectl apply -f keycloak-db-secret.yaml -n keycloak
kubectl apply -f custos-keycloak.yaml -n keycloak
// Replace hostname in ingress.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml -n keycloak
// get admin password
kubectl get secret credential-custos-keycloak -o yaml -n keycloak
echo "paste_password_base64" | base64 --decode
- Deploy consul
- Follow these steps on each node:-
cd /
sudo mkdir hashicorp
sudo mkdir hashicorp/consul
sudo mkdir hashicorp/consul/data
sudo chmod 777 -R hashicorp
- After that on master:-
cd ~/scapsulators/consul
kubectl apply -f pv.yaml,pv1.yaml
kubectl apply -f storage.yaml
helm install consul hashicorp/consul --version 0.31.1 -n vault --values config.yaml
- Deploy vault
helm install vault hashicorp/vault --namespace vault -f values.yaml --version 0.10.0
// Change Hostname in ingress.yaml
// Deploy ingress
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml -n vault
Open js-169-114.jetstream-cloud.org and follow instructions to unlease vault
Now we can see vault-0 is up:-
- Deploy MySQL
cd ../mysql
kubectl apply -f pv.yaml,pv1.yaml
helm install mysql bitnami/mysql -f values.yaml -n custos --version 8.8.8
- Testing Overview
- Load Testing
- Overall System Load Testing
- Spike Testing
- Fault Tolerance Testing
- Conclusion & Future Improvements
- Data Assimilation
- Architecture Improvements: Message Queues, Caching and Polling
- CI/CD and Infrastructure Deployment
- Visualization
- Custos Deployment Status
- Rancher Setup
- Kubernetes Cluster Deployment using Rancher
- Setting cert-manager, keycloak, consul, vault and MySQL
- Custos Deployment
- JMeter Testing for Custos Deployment with Python SDK
- Custos - Suggested Improvements