Magento 2 Odoo Connector is build using Magento 2 Rest API it Include Below Features
- Import Store from Magento
- Import the categories of products
- Import the Attribute Set of Products
- Import the products, stock quantities and image / media (only main image)
- Export the products, stock quantities and image / media
- Update the products, stock quantities and image / media
- Built using Magento 2 Rest API
- Support Magento 2.x+
- Tested with odoo 11 and Magento 2.3
*Create Access Token in Magento -> Login to Magento Admin -> Go to System > Extensions > Integrations > Add new Integrations > Fill Detail -> Copy Access Token generate by Magento
*Create Connection in Odoo -> Go Magento > Magento > Magento Instance > Create new Instance - eg. Location - Access Token : Add access token generated form Magento
- Product have only single variant (tested with only product template)