It re-exports the whole next/router
with redefined routing functions and extended params.
With Yarn
yarn add enchanted-next-router
With npm
npm install enchanted-next-router
and replace
are redefined. The redefined fuctions haven't second argument as
because it's became unnecessary since 10.x
url: string
- The URL to navigate tooptions
- Optional object with the following configuration options:scroll: boolean
(optional) - controls scrolling to the top of the page after navigation.true
by default.shallow: boolean
- Update the path of the current page without rerunning getStaticProps, getServerSideProps or getInitialProps.false
by default.locale: string
- Optional string, indicates locale of the new page.
import Router from 'enchanted-next-router'
export default function MyComponent() {
const { pathname } = useRouter()
function handleClick() {
// your logic
Router.replace({ pathname, query: { id: '123' } }, { shallow: true })
return (
<button onClick={handleClick}></button>
Clean query object from url dynamic params
- now params is always exist even if it is empty params will be empty object{}
- clean up query from values fromparams
- keeps original object with all of the query params
// route: /foo/[fizz]/[buzz]
// url: /foo/bar/boom?id=5431
import { enchanteServerRouter } from 'enchanted-next-router'
function getServerSideProps(c) {
const ctx = enchanteServerRouter(c)
const {
params, // { fizz: 'bar', buzz: 'boom' }
query, // { id: '5431' }
fullQuery // { id: '5431', fizz: 'bar', buzz: 'boom' }
} = ctx
return {
props: {
const { query, params, pathname } = useRouter()
- Represents current pathname in the URL.params
- Contains params from dynamic params of the URL.query
- Contains only params from query string.fullQuery
- Contains originalquery
value before changes.
// route: /foo/[fizz]/[buzz]
// url: /foo/bar/boom?id=5431
export default function BuzzPage() {
const {
params, // { fizz: 'bar', buzz: 'boom' }
query, // { id: '5431' }
fullQuery // { id: '5431', fizz: 'bar', buzz: 'boom' }
} = useRouter()
return (
<h4>Full Query</h4>
I want to say thanks to the Next.js team and Vercel. I appreciate their work and the things that they've done. I like using Next.js in my projects but I want to make some parts of it a bit better. As a result, I decided to share my handy enhancement on Next.js Router.