This project provides a validation library for .NET. It offers advanced validation rules and functions to simplify data validation in application development.
- Email Validation: Checks the validity of email addresses.
- Minimum and Maximum Length: Validates the length of string data.
- Pattern Matching: Ensures data matches a specific pattern.
- Custom Condition: Validates based on user-defined custom conditions.
- SEO Friendly: Checks the accuracy of SEO-compliant content.
- Phone Number Validation Validates phone numbers by 49 countries phone number patterns.
- Date Range Ensures data is a DateTime object and between specified DateTime objects.
- And More Validator has 40+ methods to validate data.
- Install NuGet Package via Console or NuGet Package Manager.
NuGet Install ArCell.NET.ARValidation
Your validators should be inherited from BaseEntityValidator class.
public class ProductValidator : BaseEntityValidator<Product>{
public override void ConfigureRules(Product entity)
CreateValidationRule(x => x.Name).MinLength(10).MaxLength(100).WithMessage("Product name must be between 10 and 100 characters.");
CreateValidationRule(x => x.ColorHex).IsValidHexColor().WithMessage("Color is invalid.");
CreateValidationRule(x => x.Price).HasMinValue(100);
You should register validators as scoped.
services.AddValidators(true) //It will search all project and find all Validators and inject them as scoped.
//Or you can manually add validators which you want to use.
services.AddScoped<IEntityValidator<Product>, ProductValidator>();
Validators normally returns a EntityValidationResult object which implements IValidationResult interface.
var result = validator.Validate(product);
Console.WriteLine($"Success: {result.Validated} | Message: {result.Message}");
Thanks for your attention. This is my first public library. :)