PlannerApp repository is a full client-side project to make plans and to-do items as a material for the course Full client side application with Blazor WebAssembly from AK Academy
- Register and create new users
- Login via Json Web Tokens (JWT)
- Create, Edit, Delete Plans (Title, Description, Cover Picture)
- Create, Edit, Delete To-Do Items in a plan
- Authentication using (Access Tokens)
- Deal with Blazor components
- Navigation & Routing
- Layouts
- Data Binding
- Event Handling
- Forms & Validations
- Dependency Injection
- Make Http requests to a protected ASP.NET Core Web API
- Uploading files to the server via the Web API
- Discover interesting Blazor libraries available on Nuget
- Deploy Blazor WebAssembly application to the cloude (Azure, Smarterasp…)
The API is ready so as a learner you can concentrate only on the client-side which is going to help you more and get started with Blazor WebAssembly faster API and Documentation is available here