Based on webhook and Webhook contrib projects. GoogleCloudPlatform\continuous-deployment on-kubernetes and Kubernetes\contrib\scale-demo prjects
This repo contains Webhook code based on Adnanh's implementation. It is inteded to be used for Quay Enterprise to Kubernetes Continuous Delivery demos.
- Setup Kubernetes
- Deploy Jenkins
- Deploy Webhook
- Configure trigger to issue hooks against webhook service
- Dockerfile : support building custom webhook container
- Manifests: Manifests used for webhook (this) application on Kubernetes
- Scripts: Bash scripts and manifests used for creating an application on Kubernetes
- Scale-demo: Files intended to be used for autoscaling demo, which is not currently implemented
kubectl create namespace webhook
kubectl --namespace=webhook create -f manifests/replicationcontroller.yaml
kubectl --namespace=webhook create -f manifests/service.yaml
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '
"repository": "aleks_saul/hello_world",
"namespace": "hello_world",
"name": "hello_world",
"docker_url": "",
"homepage": "",
"updated_tags": "production-11"
' http://$WEBHOOKTARGET/hooks/kubedeploy