Parse openAPI from go comments in handlers and structs
go get
The comments use the yaml syntax of the openapi specs. Just use the tag @openapi:info
in your comments before the comments in which you want to set the openapi info fields.
// @openapi:info
// version: 0.0.1
// title: Some cool title
// description: Awesome description
Note that only the first declaration of your info fields will be kept and inserted in the final yaml description file.
The comments use the yaml syntax of the openapi specs. Just @openapi:path
before the handler
Be careful with the number of tabs
// GetUser returns a user corresponding to specified id
// @openapi:path
// /pets:
// get:
// description: "The description of the endpoint"
// responses:
// "200":
// description: "The description of the response"
// content:
// application/json:
// schema:
// type: "array"
// items:
// $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pet"
// parameters:
// - in: path
// name: deviceId
// schema:
// type: integer
// required: true
// description: Numeric ID of the user to get
func GetPets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {}
The parser will parse the struct to create the shema, just add @openapi:schema
before your struct
By default the name of the schema will be the name of the struct. You can overide it with @openapi:schema:CustomName
. Warning not all type are handled for now, work in progress.
// Pet struct
// @openapi:schema
type Pet struct {
String string `json:"string,omitempty"`
Int int `json:"int,omitempty"`
PointerOfString *string `json:"pointerOfString"`
SliceOfString []string `json:"sliceofString"`
SliceOfInt []int `json:"sliceofInt"`
Struct Foo `json:"struct"`
PointerOfStruct *Foo `json:"pointerOfStruct"`
Time time.Time `json:"time"`
PointerOfTime *time.Time `json:"pointerOfTime"`
Parse comments in code to generate an OpenAPI documentation
openapi-parser [flags]
openapi-parser [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
merge Merge multiple openapi specification into one
--exit-error When an error occurs on parsing, exit with a code > 0
-h, --help help for openapi-parser
--output string The output file (default "openapi.yaml")
--parse-vendors stringArray Give the vendor to parse
--path string The Folder to parse (default ".")
--vendors-path string Give the vendor path (default "vendor")
openapi-parser --path /my/path --output my-openapi.yaml
openapi-parser --path /my/path --output my-openapi.yaml --exit-error
openapi-parser --path /my/path --output my-openapi.yaml --parse-vendors