NodeJS wrapper for converting from Wildlife Acoustics WAC format to WAV format. The C source code that does WAC to WAV conversion is taken from For each conversion task, the module spawns a new child process to run the wac2wavcmd command under the build directory.
GCC and Make is required.
npm install github:alvinsw/node-wacwav
Convert a file:
const wacwav = require('wacwav');
// Convert a file with the specified path `wacPath` to a new WAV file `wavPath`
wacwav.convert(wacPath, wavPath, cb);
// For example:
wacwav.convert('/tmp/a.wac', '/tmp/a.wav', function(err){
if (!err) {
console.log('convert ok!');
Convert a stream:
const wacwav = require('wacwav');
var converter = wacwav();