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3.0.0 Beta 1

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@trowski trowski released this 04 Apr 18:11

Initial release compatible with AMPHP v3.

As with other libraries compatible with AMPHP v3, most cases of parameters or returns of Promise<ResolutionType> have been replaced with ResolutionType.

Request Handler Stack

Happily, the RequestHandler and Middleware interfaces along with the Request and Response objects are largely unchanged with the exception of replacing Promise objects with the resolution type.

  • The return type of RequestHandler::handleRequest() and Middleware::handleRequest() has changed from Promise<Response> to Response.
  • Request and response bodies must be an instance of ReadableStream or a string (note the interface name change in amphp/byte-stream). null will no longer be cast to an empty body.

Creating an HTTP Server

Initializing a server has changed significantly.

The Options object has been removed, replaced by constructor parameters on various components. PHP 8.0's named parameters allows only defining the parameters you wish to override without the need to define those you do not wish to change.

HttpServer is now an interface. ServerObserver has been removed and replaced with onStart() and onStop() methods on the HttpServer interface. SocketHttpServer is the provided default implementation of HttpServer.

Listening interfaces are provided to SocketHttpServer using the expose(). The RequestHandler and ErrorHandler instances are not provided to the constructor, instead being provided to the SocketHttpServer::start() method. As these objects are provided after constructing the HttpServer instance, RequestHandlers may now require an instance of HttpServer in their constructors to attach start and stop handlers.

SocketServer instances are then created by SocketHttpServer using an instance of SocketServerFactory passed to the constructor. This allows server bind contexts to be initialized based on the provided (or default) HttpDriverFactory.

Below is the "Hello, World!" example from examples/hello-world.php as an example of initializing a SocketHttpServer instance.


require dirname(__DIR__) . "/vendor/autoload.php";

use Amp\ByteStream;
use Amp\Http\Server\Request;
use Amp\Http\Server\RequestHandler\ClosureRequestHandler;
use Amp\Http\Server\Response;
use Amp\Http\Server\SocketHttpServer;
use Amp\Http\Status;
use Amp\Log\ConsoleFormatter;
use Amp\Log\StreamHandler;
use Amp\Socket;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor;
use function Amp\trapSignal;

// Run this script, then visit http://localhost:1337/ or https://localhost:1338/ in your browser.

$cert = new Socket\Certificate(__DIR__ . '/../test/server.pem');

$context = (new Socket\BindContext)
        ->withTlsContext((new Socket\ServerTlsContext)

$logHandler = new StreamHandler(ByteStream\getStdout());
$logHandler->pushProcessor(new PsrLogMessageProcessor());
$logHandler->setFormatter(new ConsoleFormatter);
$logger = new Logger('server');

$server = new SocketHttpServer($logger);

$server->expose(new Socket\InternetAddress("", 1337));
$server->expose(new Socket\InternetAddress("[::]", 1337));
$server->expose(new Socket\InternetAddress("", 1338), $context);
$server->expose(new Socket\InternetAddress("[::]", 1338), $context);

$server->start(new ClosureRequestHandler(static function (Request $request): Response {
    return new Response(Status::OK, [
            "content-type" => "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
    ], "Hello, World!");

// Await SIGINT or SIGTERM to be received.
$signal = trapSignal([\SIGINT, \SIGTERM]);

$logger->info(sprintf("Received signal %d, stopping HTTP server", $signal));


HTTP Drivers

Generally consumers of this library need not worry about these changes unless they implemented their own HTTP driver or interacted with the Client interface beyond grabbing client metadata.

  • Client is a significantly thinner interface, consisting of only metadata about the client connection.
    • HttpDriver instances now handle responding to requests instead of the Client object.
  • HttpDriver::setup() has been replaced with HttpDriver::handleClient. Rather than returning a Generator parser which is fed data read from the client, this method is instead expected to read/write data from the provided streams itself.
  • HttpDriver::write() has been removed, as writing to the client should be handled internally within the driver.