A repo which we can use to discuss ideas for the Amsterdam |> Elixir meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Amsterdam-Elixir/
Take a look at https://github.com/amselixir/discussions/issues if you want to join the discussion. We'd like to use it to gather feedback & suggestions from the community. Ideas about talks but also things that matter for this meetup group are welcome.
- Q: Why not use Meetup.com forum?
- A: It kinda sucks, as a notification you only see that a new message has been posted, no details about what that new message is, what it's about etc. IMHO that makes it hard to use. There's also no voting etc
- Q: Should we only add/discuss/vote talk ideas?
- A: Any idea on how to improve our meetup group goes. So if you'd like to see more hackathons/workshops or different kind of meetups, please let us know.
- Q: What happens with our feedback, when are we going to see changes?
- A: A bit hard to say, depends on how much/strong the feedback is. Please keep in mind we really, really do value your input :)