Use (old) Android Camera API and ffmpeg libs to send audio/video streams from Android device to media server.
- Get sources
$ git clone
- Enter root directoty
$ cd libffplay/
- Get external submodules
$ git submodule init && git submodule update
- Build submodules
It is mandatory to run the script 'build-modules' from inside of libffplay/external directory, because of it uses relative path names:
$ cd external && ./build-modules
By default this script will build libraries for android-15 platform (Android 4.0.3 devices). To change target platfom, open the script in a text editor and change target platform as desired.
After successfull build, prebuilt module binaries and headers will installed into libffplay/external/sysroot directory.
- Now build libffplay main dynamic library
$ cd libffplay/src
$ make all
By default, target platform is android-15 platform (Android 4.0.3 devices). To change target platform, open Makefile in text editor and set desired platform in APP_PLATFORM= variable.
Warning: Make sure the submodules and are set to build for the same android platform!
- Install libffplay into some location where application projects can find it.
By default, make install
will install prebuilt shared library into NDK folder $(ndk_root)/special-is/lib/ffplay.
To change target folder, pass prefix=/your/path/here to make install
$ make install prefix=/my/preferable/path
Prebuilt library directory structure is as follows:
$ tree /opt/android-ndk/special-is/lib/ffplay
├── armeabi-v7a
│ └──
└── ffplay
└── com
└── sis
└── ffplay
To use the library in application, add to application project source path to $(ndk_root)/special-is/lib/ffplay/ffplay, add NDK support, and import ffplay module in, like follows:
$ cat /home/projects/CameraDemo/jni/
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
$(call import-add-path,$(SPECIALISDIR)/lib)
$(call import-module,ffplay)
$ cat /home/projects/CameraDemo/jni/
APP_MODULES := ffplay
APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a
APP_PLATFORM := android-15
APP_OPTIM := release
To use libffplay with ant, use custom_rules.xml to import java source directory and precompiled binaries into project:
$ cat custom_rules.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<property environment="env" />
<property name="specialis.dir" value="${env.ANDROID_NDK}/special-is"/>
<property name="source.dir" value="src;${specialis.dir}/lib/ffplay/ffplay"/>
<target name="-pre-build">
<copy todir="${jar.libs.dir}/armeabi-v7a">
<fileset dir="${specialis.dir}/lib/ffplay/armeabi-v7a" includes="*.so" />
See as some simple example.