Non official NordVPN GUI for linux
Very light weight application, simple and fast GUI. A security option the closes the transmission app if the vpn is disconnected.
The only difference with the 1.5.0 is the installer. This new one will install by himself a few dependencies, but is cleaner, and should work fine with any linux distro, not only Ubuntu. Feel free to e-mail me some feedback please ( (informations about geninstaller here)
Fix the bug caused by Nordvpn's add "New Feature ..."
version 1.5.0 is available here
(be sure you have the official nordvpn installed first).
(then follow the instructions)
geninstaller uninstall 'Nord Manager'
-Browse... : opens a window showing all the available servers, you just have to pick the one you want, fast and easy.
- 6 shortcuts buttons : this buttons are already set with default values, but are expected to be customized to your own needs, you can set them in the settings window. Each button is defined by 2 fileds, the first is the name you want for your button, the second is the bash command line to execute when clicked. Any bash command you set here will be executed when clicked, but the console will not be shown.
- In the directory
you will find the installed files.
info_command : the bash command to get the status of the vpn. For nord VPN it is "nordvpn status"
green word : by default it is " connected" (note the space before the word, otherwise there will be a confusion with the "disconnected" string). The green word triggers the green status of the app if detected in the current VPN connection information.
timing : the length of the cycle between status checks, by default it is 3 (seconds).
emmergency kill : This is a bash command that prevent the use of some app if the VPN is not connected, typicaly : "killall transmission-gtk". You can simply deactivate it by commenting the line ("#" at the begining)
- Contact me (for any good reason):
If you want to contact me, i'm quite easy to join : Vincent Fabre